If you found any ingame bug, please report it to the e-mail address below.
When you send an e-mail, please refer the form below. It will help your request to be processed much faster and easier.

Account Number (Numbers ONLY, can be found in Account Settings) or Nickname
i.e.) 123456 or Hero#123456

Time that the error occurred
i.e.) 12:34 AM, May 27th, 2020

In-game bug to report with a screenshot
i.e.) The game keeps crashing while I enter the game.

Your smartphone’s model name
i.e.) Galaxy J6+, SM-A908N

Your smartphone’s OS version
i.e.) Android 5.1.1

Screenshot of a receipt issued by Google Play or App Store (*in case your problem is related to In-app purchase)
i.e.) GPA 1234-5678...